Tagged: standardized testing


2-3 weeks ago, I commented (in Chinese) on the PSLE Mother Tongue weighting reduction saga, the most talk-about education issue in Singapore the past month:

其实心情是矛盾的。无庸讳言,我一向对考试制度不太苟同,认为以一个统一测试来断定学生的表现是十分残酷的。我有时甚至认为统一测试有朝一日将会被另类评估如协作/专题作业或数码学习档案(Digital Portfolio)所取代!


但是,令人担忧的是,此项教改纯粹是针对母语而来的,并非全方位的改革考试制度。要是各科比重一起减少,取而代之是另类评估的成绩,就非常理想了!譬如说,学生的各科成绩比重为20%。最后的20%综合了课外活动、专题作业、德育、美术、音乐等非主流科系的表现,那无疑是打造出拥有21世纪软技能(21st Century Skills) 的学生的一大步了!



To sum up in a few words, the most important task is improve the teaching and assessment of the languages. Weighting adjustment is not the one size fits all solution.

Fun with Wallwisher

Wallwisher is a nice and simple tool I picked up during the ICT Mentor workshop. Great for students to brainstorm ideas, gather opinions and have some fun posting virtual sticky notes. I started 2 walls, one asking students to share their favourite school activities. Response was pretty encouraging with more than 20 stickies. Check it out here.

The second one in progress is “If there were no examinations,…” I asked students to complete the sentence. Check it out here. Initial impression is students’ mentality of the relevance of standardized testings is as deep rooted as parents and some educators.

We are less willing to let boys be boys in classrooms

Great read via Get Schooled:

Today’s classroom is better suited for the ways girls learn, says Rao. “When you promote all this assessment and increasing standardization, you narrow the way you are going to teach kids, eclipsing the ways that boys learn better. You go to much less hands-on and manipulation of objects and to more sit down and lectures.”

Is standardized testing unfair for most boys? I guess that’s the main reason boys are often misunderstood as late bloomers.